
(Note: August 6 is the traditional date in the Christian calendar to observe the Biblical event called the Transfiguration of Christ. I have published this item previously in the Anglican Digest as well as on this blog.)


The words of the Julia Ward Howe in her “Battle Hymn of the Republic” are stirring to me. Recall what she wrote in this rousing poem:

In the beauty of the lilies

Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom

   that transfigures you and me

I would wager that there are many people who can sing “The Battle Hymn” from memory. Further, I am certain almost everyone in the United States knows the chorus of the first verse.

The words I have quoted come from verse five. This verse continues:

As He died to make men holy,

let us die to make men free,

While God is marching on.

In the Victorian Era, as those times of the mid to late nineteenth century are called, literate people knew the Bible very well. They were able to use the scripture in their discourse in a meaningful way, which often found its way into powerful poetry. For example, every time I think of the Feast of the Transfiguration, which is observed on August 6, or the Gospel for the Last Sunday of Epiphany, my thoughts often bring me to the words of Julia Ward Howe.

In the beauty of the lilies (I’m not certain about that metaphor), Jesus is born. Not simply born to become a great teacher of the ancient world, but the one person who has changed history, and, according to Julia Ward Howe, he transfigured history. More important, however, he has transfigured you and me.

Julia Ward Howe

Julia Ward Howe


     Why does Julia Ward Howe say Jesus has transfigured you and me? I am not certain of my observations and my answer is colored by the culture of the twenty-first century not the nineteenth, but I think the transfiguration analogy is a good one. My knowledge of Julia Ward Howe is limited. I know that she was an American woman abolitionist of the Civil War era. I, that is, we can only imagine what life was like in the era and during that terrible time in our history. When we look back to the time Howe wrote this magnificent hymn to freedom, we have a difficult time understanding all the emotions of the period.

It is quite likely most of the men, if not many of the people in general, did not understand the Civil War as a war for freedom and justice. I suspect many of them simply wanted to live their lives and let others do the same. If people down south had slaves, what did that mean to them? Even the concept of a Federal Union may not have been a reason to go into battle for many.

The transfiguration was, however, about to take place.  Howe caught this untapped vigor for freedom and justice in her vision of possibilities. Her hymn of transfiguration was to stir the men of the Union Army to turn the struggle from simply a political attempt to keep the Union together to a struggle for human freedom and dignity.Battle Hymn of the Republic

Through her poetry Howe reminded the people of the Union that the war was not just about Federal versus State sovereignty, instead, it was about the most basic of human aspirations–freedom. The Civil War, if not the people, was transfigured from a political struggle to a mighty cause for justice. Howe’s referral to the Transfiguration of Jesus reminded the people of that time that they too shared in this new life of hope and freedom in Jesus Christ.

To me, that’s what the transfiguration is about.

The report in the Gospel according to Luke (9:28-36) about Jesus being transfigured is strange. What does that mean? What did the Disciples see? They apparently saw something important. The transfiguration is the seminal event that changed everything. It is not until Saint Peter recognizes Jesus as the Messiah and it is not until he and others are led to the top of the holy mountain to see Jesus converse with the heroes of Hebrew lore that the final act of grace begins. Up to that moment, Jesus was simply another itinerant rabbi or “holy man”. Not only do we see Jesus in a new way, as a result of this event, Peter and the others understand they are on a new mission, something quite remarkable and unique.

In the story from the Gospel according to Luke, we have the picture of Jesus standing with Moses and Elijah. Why these two?  Why not Abraham and Jacob, or David and Solomon? In my understanding, it is because of these two, Moses and Elijah, represent all that God has been, and Jesus represents what God is.

Moses, the Law Giver, reflects God’s wish for humanity to rise above instinctual responses and be something greater than another form of animal life. Elijah represents the continuing conversation God has with creation, especially that part of creation which has been given the special capacity to interact with God—humanity. Finally, in Jesus, we see the completion of God’s work. The Law and Prophets are given to us by a loving Creator, a God who wishes his human creatures to emulate that love. Jesus is the transfiguration of that love from words to action.

When we too open our eyes to see the transfigured Jesus standing before us, we can also be changed. Before then, we are like the Disciples tagging along with the rabbi hoping that something good will come from it or like the listless, hapless Union soldiers of the 1860’s, not certain of their mission, of their goals. However, after encountering the transfigured Jesus as the Disciples did and as the Union soldiers were called to do by Howe’s poem, we too are transfigured into people with a purpose and a reason for living. In the glow of the transfigured Jesus life has new meaning and a new reason for enthusiasm.  Because we can live in that transfigured life, we can have a loftier goal than simply getting through the day or just tagging along.

Jesus’ transfiguration opened for Julia Ward Howe an inspired heart; a heart to pour out words of hope and vigor.  She poured out words that enthralled a beleaguered people; a people who were not certain of their future and their cause or reasons for making huge sacrifices.

The vision of a transfigured Jesus can open our hearts also. More than opening hearts Jesus can transfigure us into a new people, with new hopes and dreams. The vision of a transfigured Jesus teaches and helps us to know that God is present in and around us and that all that God has created has culminated in this transfiguration event; that is, in Jesus.

So, it is the love of God that transfigured Jesus; and, it is the love of God that brought to an end the brutality of legalized involuntary servitude. It is the love of God that creates in us compassionate hearts from which unconditional love can flow.

Julia Ward Howe was correct. In fact, Christ was born in the beauty of the lilies; that is, in the beauty of holiness or love. It is the beauty of holiness that transfigures you and me.

BookCoverImage-True Life CowboyMy book, The True Life of a Singing Cowboy, is available through Amazon and other book sellers and is also available on Kindle.

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  1. crcchillicothe
    August 7, 2017 at 12:44 pm #

    Love it!


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